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Tips To Improve Male Sexual Function And Performance

Tips To Improve Male Sexual Function And Performance

Avoid Being Overweight

An overweight or obese man sexual ability is reduced as the level of testosterone is decreased in the body. More abdominal fat in males converts the male hormone testosterone to the female hormone estrogen.


Avoid All Fast And Fatty Foods

It causes fat deposition and plaque deposition inside the walls of the arteries which restrict the blood flow to the reproductive organ. Therefore, it becomes difficult to get and maintain a good-quality erection.


Eat Natural Foods

Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. These natural foods are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which increase sperm quality and increased sexual function. Processed foods must be avoided as they are full of calories with no nutritional content.


Reduce Stress

Stress is the main culprit behind erectile problems and low sexual performance. causes the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline causes narrowing of blood vessels and thus less blood flow to the penis. This results in erectile dysfunction and decreased performance. Cortisol increases appetite and thus we eat more including fatty foods which also leads to decreased sexual function.


Avoid Smoking

It mot only causes cancer but also causes narrowing of blood vessels supplying blood to the penis. This results in decreased oxygen and nutrients supply to it causing decreased sexual function.


Have Proper Sleep

A lack of sleep upsets you, makes you feel tired, causes obesity, weakens immunity, disrupts hormonal secretion and also decreases metabolism. Have a proper sleep so that all your body functions work well, including your reproductive system.


Exercise Regularly

Exercise increases male sexual function as it improves your blood circulation, reduces stress, alleviates tiredness and boosts you with energy levels. In the longer run exercise reduces cholesterol level, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure etc. Exercises of pelvic floor and external rotators of the hip will improve sexual performance.


Stay Sexually Active

Studies have shown that men who are sexually active don't suffer from any sexual dysfunction including erectile dysfunction.

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