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Surya Namaskar The Fitness Secret

Surya Namaskar The Fitness Secret

Good For Your Hair

Regular surya namaskar boosts your blood circulation and prevents hair fall, hair graying and dandruff. It also boosts your hair growth and makes it long.


Glowing Skin

Glowing skin is one of the numerous fitness benefits of doing surya namaskar regularly. It gives you a glowing face, prevents the formation of wrinkles and makes you look young.


Flexible Body

Surya namaskar makes your body flexible. If you do it regularly, it can improve the flexibility in your limbs and spine.


Soothes Your Mind

One of the many fitness benefits of doing surya namaskar daily is that it calms your mind and helps you sleep well. Daily practice can help you deal with insomnia and other sleep disorders.


Reduces Fat

If you want your body to be in good shape, you must practice surya namaskar on a regular basis. It will help you burn extra calories and help you remain slim.


Flat Belly

By performing surya namaskar on a daily basis, you can flatten your stomach. It also improves your digestive system and elongates your abdominal muscles. Thus, surya namaskar can help you reduce your unwanted belly fat.


Boosts Your Stamina

One of the various fitness benefits of doing surya namaskar is that it boosts your energy and endurance too. It also diminishes anxiety and restlessness.


Normalises Irregular Menstruation

If you are suffering from irregular periods then practicing surya namaskar regularly can help you regulate your menstrual cycles.

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