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Symptoms Of Penile Cancer

Symptoms Of Penile Cancer

Abnormal Ulcer

If you find the occurrence of any abnormal ulcers or warts on your penis, this can be one of the signs of penile cancer. If the sore is not getting healed even after 4 or 5 weeks, consult an expert immediately. Note that these blisters may not be painful always.



Bleeding under the foreskin is one of the common symptoms that can alarm you about a cancerous state. This can be due to sudden onset or can develop slowly, depending on the causes of penile cancer. If you find bleeding associated with other symptoms of penile cancer, stay vigilant.


Discharge From Penis

Discharge from the penis is an alarming symptom. Discharges can occur in other conditions also, like infections. However, when compared with other causes the discharge that occurs due to penile cancer can be foul smelling.



Phimosis is the medical term used for the condition when there is a difficulty in drawing back the foreskin. This generally occurs during the advanced stages of penile cancer. The condition can be painful.



Probably, this is the most ignored symptom of penile cancer. Since rashes can occur due to many reasons, you may sometimes tend to ignore this primary symptom of penile cancer. If you notice some other symptoms along with rashes, definitely consult a doctor.

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