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Super Foods That That Prolong Youth

Super Foods That That Prolong Youth

Almonds: Eating a handful of almonds is great way to stay young! The vitamin E present in it works wonders in treating hair and skin. Almonds are rich in magnesium which slows down the ageing process.

 Super Foods That That Prolong Youth

Tomatoes: Including tomatoes in your daily diet can make you look younger! It prevents age related diseases like osteoporosis. Lycopene, a compound present in tomatoes protects your skin against sun damage and provides a youthful look.

Spinach: Spinach is high in fiber, potassium, vitamins and minerals. It is also a rich source of antioxidants which protect your body from free radical damage and delay the ageingprocess.

Beans: Beans are rich in protein and fiber content. They are also low in carbohydrates; so they don't add up to your body weight. The anti-inflammatory properties of beans slow down the ageing process.

 Super Foods That That Prolong Youth

Salmon: Salmon is packed with essential proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. The powerful antioxidant property of salmons postpones the ageing process.

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