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Reasons Why We Snore In Our Sleep

Reasons Why We Snore In Our Sleep


Most medications have a list of side effects, either big or small. Medications like sedatives and antihistamines when consumed before bed time, usually lead to heavy snoring. This is one of the main reasons why you snore.



Being overweight effects your entire life in numerous ways. Obesity leads to heart diseases, strokes, infertility and even sleep disorders like snoring. A person with a short fat neck is at an increased risk of snoring.


Dinner Meals

An old saying goes like this: eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. If you consume a heavy meal for dinner, you are likely to snore much more than when you consume food at an earlier time.


Alcohol Consumption

Consumption of alcohol is another reason why you snore when asleep. It is best not to drink alcohol within three hours of bedtime. This method helps decrease the problem up to some level.



When children snore, parents should get a tonsil test done for them. Experts state that swollen tonsils can make a child snore. When this is not checked, the child will experience a lot of health issues like heavy breathing and chest pain.


Sleep Pattern

Sleeping on a soft pillow and on the back is another reason why you snore. If you suffer from this problem, it is best to sleep without a pillow. Sleeping on your left side too benefits one to a good night's rest.

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