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Incredible Health Benefits Of Celery Stalk

Incredible Health Benefits Of Celery Stalk

Improves Digestion

Celery's high water content helps break down the food for nutrient absorption. It assists the food to pass easily through the digestive tract. It softens the stools and prevents constipation too.


Reduces Inflammation

Celery stalk has anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in reducing inflammation. Celery also aids in the production of cortisone, a hormone which reduces painful inflammation in the body.


Prevents Memory Loss

According to a recent research, regular consumption of celery inhibits cancer. Luteolin, the compound present in celery reduces age-related inflammation in the brain and thereby prevents memory loss.


Lowers Blood Pressure

Celery is a good source of potassium. Regular intake of potassium efficiently lowers blood pressure. Phthalide relaxes the arteries and significantly reduces blood pressure.


Reduces Bad Cholesterol

The high fibre content of celery reduces bad cholesterol known as LDL. Phthalide, the chemical compound in celery also contributes to the reduction of cholesterol.


Hydrates Your Body

Hydration plays a crucial role to maintain good health. Since celery is packed with water content, it reduces dehydration and puts an end to dry skin, headaches, constipation, muscle cramps, dizziness and fatigue.

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