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Important Facts About Low Fat

Important Facts About Low Fat

1. Low in fat but high in sugar

One of the biggest problems with low-fat products is that they do not taste good and hence to balance it out, manufacturers add sugar to it. So, technically, the product still remains ‘low fat' and can be labeled even when it is loaded with sugar, and this sugar converts into body fat a lot more faster than fat itself. Also, it increases the appetite of a person.


2. Eat low fat and raise triglycerides

A high level of triglycerides in the blood is responsible for obesity, cardiovascular diseases and type-2 diabetes. As a low-fat diet has excess of carbs, the level of triglycerides in blood spikes up to covert those carbs into fat. On the contrary, the right way to eat is to go for a low-carb diet.


3. Low fat makes you lose the good fat as well

Saturated fats have proved to be beneficial for the human body, so when you switch to low-fat and fat-free products, you abstain yourself from such vital elements for your body.


4. Low-fat diet leads to lowering of the good cholesterol

The human body requires HDL, i.e., the good cholesterol, which is essential for a healthy heart. A low-fat and high-carb diet will lead to a reduction of HDL in the body, and this can thus increase the risk for a heart disease.


5. Lowers the testosterone levels

Testosterone is basically a male hormone which is also present in females, but in very small amounts. A reduced level of this hormone can lead to osteoporosis, increase in body fat, reduced libido, and so on. The important factor is that this hormone is produced from cholesterol, which again, in case of a low-fat diet, will get reduced.

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