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How To Keep Diabetes At Bay?

How To Keep Diabetes At Bay?

Fill Your Plate With Salads

One of the best ways to prevent diabetes is to eat in a small plate. The idea is to fill your plate with salads more and consume less of the unhealthy foods.


Start Moving

Do you know what increases the risk of suffering diabetes? Well, a sedentary life is dangerous. Start moving more and sitting less.


Cut Sodas

A recent study claims that women who consumed sweet sodas more suffered an increased risk of diabetes. Consume more water instead of those pricey sodas.


Eat Whole Grains

It is fact that whole grains can prevent diabetes though there isn't any strong evidence to prove this. With or without proof, consuming whole grains is healthy.


Cut Trans-Fat

Generally, foods that are loaded with trans-fats tend to increase your weight. Potato chips and burgers could just increase your risk drastically.


Get More Fibre

Your food isn't food unless it is filled with fibre. Do you know that fibre-rich foods play an important role in regulating your blood sugar levels and digestive system? Consume such foods more.

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