It Makes Her Unstable
PMS is the sole reason why a woman tends to feel unsteady on her feet. During her menstrual time, a woman might feel mentally unstable too. This is the reason why most women make rash decisions when they are down.
It Makes Her Lazy & Sleepy
PMS makes a woman feel lazy. This is due to the drastic hormonal changes in her body. She begins to feel low and also like a couch potato. Muscle spasms make the situation worse.
It Makes Her Eat More
When a woman is going through PMS, there is a change in her diet too. She will either resent the food she likes or her cravings will spike up to the maximum levels. During this phase, a woman PMSing will even feel nauseous. To treat all these health problems, home remedies are the best.
It Makes Her Feel Bloated
The tummy bloats up a week before the menstrual cycle begins. This is a sign of PMS which makes a woman feel heavy. This feeling makes a woman feel she has put on weight and this adds up to her her irritability.
It Makes Her Get Cranky
If you find your woman cranky, it is probably because of PMS. The progesterone and estrogen levels radically fluctuate so fast. This may result in terrible mood swings.
It Makes Her Feel Tired
If you avoid a good nutritious meal during PMS, the body will automatically feel tired. This is because the body hasn't received a good amount of carbohydrates and protein to provide energy. Water is the only solution to make you feel active during PMS.
It Makes Her Forget About Sex
Due to the hormonal changes in the body, the woman feels cranky and sore. So, don't expect her to feel romantic.
It Makes Her Constipated
A bloated tummy is often accompanied with an upset stomach or constipation. Either of the two signs indicates you're PMSing.
It Makes Her Feel Heavy
One of the things PMS does to you is it makes you feel heavy. At times, during the entire week, a woman will feel like she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders - mentally and physically.
Source : http://www.boldsky.com/health/wellness/2015/what-pms-does-to-a-woman-every-month-089982.html
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