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The Healing Powers Of Tamarind

The Healing Powers Of Tamarind

Heals Inflammation

Consuming tamarind in some or the other form regularly can help keep inflammation at bay.


Helps Treat Malaria

People suffering from malaria are served tamarind tea in Asian countries.


It Controls Cholesterol

Some sources claim that it can even control cholesterol levels. so, it can indirectly keep your heart healthy.


It Contains Antiseptic Agents

Since centuries, tamarind is being used to heal minor injuries as it has anti-septic agents. It can also effectively prevent the spread of infections.



In villages, people suffering from jaundice consume tea made of tamarind leaves as a first aid.


It Is A Laxative

If you are suffering from constipation, then tamarind can be included in your dishes for its laxative powers.


Prevents Cancer

As it contains anti-oxidants, it can prevent the growth of certain types of cells especially cancerous cells.


Heals Infections

It can cure minor infections and can also kill worms in your stomach. Include it in your diet.

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