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Super Foods That Can Cure Cough

Super Foods That Can Cure Cough

Ginger: Ginger is one of the best foods that cures cough. Sipping on several cups of ginger tea a day provides relief from cough. The anti-inflammatory property of ginger helps you in curing cough and its related symptoms.

Super Foods That Can Cure Cough

Garlic: Adding lots of garlic to your food helps in getting rid of cough instantly. Garlic works wonders in curing minor ailments such as cough and cold. Chewing on few garlic cloves would also serve the purpose during chilly or winter months.

Chicken Soup: Chicken soup is a tasty food option that treats your cough. It is an age-old effective remedy that cures cough in a short period of time.

Citrus Fruits:Consuming citrus fruits like oranges, lime and lemon when you have cough helps you to get rid of cough in no time. The vitamin C content in it cures cough efficiently.

Super Foods That Can Cure Cough

Turmeric Milk: Turmeric milk is also an effective remedy that cures cough. Add a pinch of turmeric to hot milk and drink it before you hit the bed. This can also give you an immediate relief from sore throat and cold.

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