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List Of Foods Stuffed With Toxins

List Of Foods Stuffed With Toxins

Pasta Mix

A chemical azodicarbonamide, which is very toxic, is present in some foods. Avoid using boxed pasta mixes as this helps in avoiding these poisonous toxins.


Sports Drink

If you assume that this might give you energy and boost your stamina, you are totally wrong. These drinks contains dyes that are rich in toxins. Avoid drinking them, instead opt for fresh lime juice or tender coconut.


Fat-Free Chips

Olestra is an ingredient that is present in these chips. They are quite harmful and actually causes the person to put on weight instead of losing it. This is one of the foods that is rich in toxins.


Non-organic Yoghurt

As the cows and sheep are generally given growth hormones, it can be passed into the yoghurt that is generally not organic. These toxins can lead to breast and colon cancer. Make sure you opt for organic yoghurt.


Stored Pre-cooked Chicken

Arsenic compound that is is present in the pre-cooked chicken is quite toxic for the body. There are few inactive ingredients present in the chicken which make it a wrong choice. Instead of buying this chicken, you can select fresh chicken.


Cereal Snacks

To kill your hunger pangs do not buy cereal snacks as it us really bad for health. The trans fat that is present in this mix is not good for heart. This is one of the foods that are rich in toxins.

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