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Indian Foods That Are Weight Loss Friendly

Indian Foods That Are Weight Loss Friendly

Fibre Foods

Add fibre-rich foods to your diet. Oats, brown rice and wheat are a few Indian foods that aid in rapid weight loss. These foods also help to boost the immunity and fill your tummy, preventing those hunger pangs.



A handful of almonds can provide your body with a good source of vitamin E and protein. The body requires protein, when you're trying to lose weight. Therefore, it is necessary to consume at least 5 soaked almonds every day, first thing in the morning.


Green Tea

Green tea is a herbal beverage. It is a power-house of vitamins and antioxidants that help aid in weight loss. Add 2 to 3 cups of this beverage to your daily diet and see the change in your energy and weight.



Ancient studies show that Indian spices are the best ingredients that can help in weight loss. Spices like chillies and turmeric when added to your daily meals can help to curb your appetite, which thereby results in you losing weight.



Egg whites are said to have the highest amount of protein. Egg white also provides calcium to the body, which protects and promotes bone health. Eggs also contain a hormone called glucagon that aids in fat burning, so make sure you add at least one egg to your meal every day.


Fruits & Veggies

Fruits and vegetables are filled with protein, nutrients, lots of water and less calories. Going on a fruit and vegetable diet for a week can make you see the positive results on your body. On the other hand, veggies and fruits will also prevent you from binge eating.

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