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How To Treat Sour Stomach

How To Treat Sour Stomach


Carrots help to boost the capacity of the stomach and improve digestion. It helps to heal sour stomach and improves the health of your stomach. For better results you can make a smoothie of carrots and banana. Grind it well and drink this to sour stomach.


Milk + Honey

Drinking warm milk helps in relieving sour stomach pain. It helps to coat the stomach lining and reduce the sour belches. Honey on the other end has a soothing effect on the stomach by coating the stomach lining. All that you need to do is add 2 teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm milk. Stir these ingredients well and drink it.


Lemon Juice

Generally people get confused with the acidic nature of lemon and think that it cannot treat sour stomach, but it works best for sour stomach. The acidic nature helps to generate alkaline residues in the body. This process in turn balances the pH balance of the body, thus helps in treating sour stomach effectively. All you need to do is drink a glass of lemon juice and get relief from sour stomach.


Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds help in effectively treating sour stomach by reducing the symptoms like abdominal bloating and stomach cramps. For best results drink fennel seeds soaked water. It helps in giving instant relief from sore stomach. Follow this remedy if you are experiencing this condition frequently.


Ginger Water

Ginger produces more digestive enzymes, which aid in the digestive process. It also helps to reduce gas formation in the stomach due to the indigestion of the food. For best results drink a glass of luke warm water along with ½ teaspoon of ginger.


Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon tea helps to calm the sour stomach by providing a soothing effect to it. Studies reveal that cinnamon can also be used to get relief from the abdominal bloating as well. Take a cup of boiling water and add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder to it. Strain the liquid when it turns cold and drink it.

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