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How To Stay Away From AIDS

How To Stay Away From AIDS

Unprotected Sex

Having unprotected sex with a HIV-positive person, leftmost with sex workers, can transmit this deadly virus to the other person. Avoid having illegal sex (multiple partners),or have a safe sex by using a condom.


Infected Needles

Using infected needles of a HIV-positive person in the form of syringes, vaccines, etc, may let the other person get infected by AIDS. Always make sure that you are being injected with a disposable needle.


Blood Transfusion

The blood in the blood banks is checked for HIV positive and later is transfused to the other person. However, in certain cases, where there is no HIV screening or by mistake the blood of a HIV-positive person is transfused, the recipient may get AIDS.


Open Cuts

If a person has open wounds and the wound comes in contact with the blood of an infected person then the person may get infected with AIDS. When you are visiting an infected person or any AIDS hospital, make sure to cover the open wounds.



A new research shows that HIV can also be transmitted by the saliva of an infected person. Avoid an intimate kiss with a HIV-positive person, as the saliva may also contain the AIDS virus.



If a mother is HIV positive, the AIDS virus can also enter the foetus by crossing the placenta. However, the use of HIV medicines and other strategies have greatly reduced the rate of AIDS transmission to the child. Babies born to such women receive a HIV medicine, which protects the babies from the HIV infection that can be passed on from the mother to her child during childbirth.


Myths Related To AIDS

Some people say that hugging and close contact with a HIV person can transmit the disease. However, they should realize that the virus is in the blood of the infected person and a causal hugging, kissing and sharing of food doesn't transmit the AIDS virus to the other person.

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