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What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Smoking

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Smoking

Misconceptions Regarding Smoking

When smokers try to quit smoking, they suffer from withdrawal symptoms, since they have become dependent. These withdrawal symptoms arenot limited to only mental side effects, such as intense craving, but it can also cause headache, nausea, chest pain, sweating and even fluctuation in the blood pressure level.

However, facing these symptoms cannot be a justification for not quitting smoking. If you want to live and enjoy a happy life, you have to take the decision for your best.

9 Healing Foods After Quitting Smoking

After reading this article, you will see how quittingsmoking benefits you by the wonderful effects your body experiences. Do note that our body is not equipped to tackle smoking in the long run. It can only ingest food and water, but not smoke. The causes of excessive smoking can even be life threatening to us, if we don't make the right choice.

Have a look at what happens to your body when you quit smoking.


After 30 Minutes, Blood Pressure Gets Normal

Immediately after you quit smoking, your blood pressure gets normal. It only takes 30 minutes for your blood pressure to get to its normal state, after you quit smoking.


After 9 Hours, Oxygen Level Increases

Smoking causes toxic carbon monoxide to get accumulated in your blood. Just after 9 hours of quitting smoking, the level of this toxic gas decreases and oxygen level comes back to normal.


After 2 Days

The risk of a heart attack decreases within 48 hours of quitting. Nicotine level also reduces in your blood. Your sense of smell and taste will be back to normal.


After 3 Days

Your lungs and airways will start to relax and take in more air. This will help in distributing more oxygen to the body.


After 2 Weeks

Your blood circulation will improve and will continue to increase in the coming 10 weeks. Your heart will pump more blood to your body organs. You will now start feeling less tired and more energetic.


After 8 To 9 Months

The capacity of the lungs to take in more air will increase, by almost 15 percent. Your breathing problems, irritation due to cough and shortness of breath will start to decrease.


After 1 Year

The risk of a heart attack and stroke will decrease by half. The blood vessels will start regaining their normal flexibility.


After 5 Years

Your heart and brain will be as safe as a non-smoker. However, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the chances of a heart attack and smoke can drastically decrease.

Source : http://www.boldsky.com/health/wellness/2015/what-happens-with-your-body-when-you-stop-smoking-091782.html

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