Today, there are many supplements in the market that come with a label of female Viagra. They promise better libido in women. Currently, there is no evidence which proves that these pills work and on the other hand, they are not legitimate.
But there is a drug known as flibanserin. Researchers closely observed how female Viagra influences the brain. When this drug was tested on monkeys, researchers observed interesting facts. When the brain metabolism slowed down, a pillseemed to boost 'desire'.
What Does Female Viagra Do?
Basically, the female Viagra seemed to change the brains' metabolic process. So, women tend to respond better to male touch after popping in a pill. This may be because the centres in the brain that govern grooming behaviours are impacted with this drug. They may respond to 'grooming behaviours' well.
Some women may experience lack of desire due to various reasons which could be biological, genetic, health related or even factors like stress. For such women, getting intimate physically may turn into a challenging task. Maybe, this is one factor which is triggering the need to use a drug for arousal.
The studies done till now were carried out on rodents and marmosets. Their brains were mapped (MRI Scans) and the activity inside was studied after the drug was used.Currently, researchers are still trying to find about the exact effects of the drug called flibanserin.
(Inputs from IANS)
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