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Tips To Stay Healthy After Heart Surgery

Tips To Stay Healthy After Heart Surgery

Keep Active

It is important to stay active after a heart surgery. A week after the surgery, the patient is required to walk slowly for 15 minutes, either on the treadmill or at the park. This exercise will help the organ boost blood and thus keep it healthy and active.


Eat Heart Healthy Foods

A low-sodium diet needs to be followed post a heart surgery. Consume foods that are have less oil and salt. Fried foods and fatty foods should be off the plate.


Sleep Is A Must

A heart patient should have a regularised sleep pattern of 8 hours a night. Lack of sleep will lead to sleep disorders which will affect the weak (post surgery) heart.


Overexertion Must Be Avoided

Overexertion will affect the heart after a surgery. One should avoid all forms of stress, as it is a silent killer. Overexertion applies more pressure on the heart forcing it to pump more blood when it is weak.


Follow Doctor's Advice

Every patient is different and the physician or the doctor know's their patient's condition before and after a heart surgery. Following strict orders from the doctor after a heart surgery is a must.


Pay Attention To The Body

After any surgery, the body undergoes certain changes. If there are slight changes in the body, inform the doctor immediately.

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