A study suggests that workaholics, irrespective of their success rate in their fields, fall prey to depression at one point in their lives maybe because they may realise that their lives are empty the moment their achievements are put aside.
Age Faster
Another interesting study found that workaholics may age faster compared to those who go slow and enjoy their lives better. Well, if you want your looks to last longer, maintain proper balance.
Heart Attacks
It goes without saying that workaholics are more vulnerable to certain diseases like heart issues unless their lifestyle habits and genetics protect them.
Statistics prove that workaholics tend to fail in their private lives especially in the area of relationships. Unless you have an understanding family to back you emotionally, it is tough to handle relationships when you are very obsessed with your work.
Who are the most stressed up ones in your office? Of course, the ones who are obsessed with work, power and position tend to be stressed up. Though it is good to be on your toes when you work, if work becomes your addiction, your life and health will go for a toss.
Eye Sight
A study claims that workaholics may develop eye sight issues if they continue their addiction for decades together.
Sex Life
You might argue that magic pills like Viagra can help you perform better but digest the fact that workaholics tend to fail even with the help of such pills because a mind that loves work more than romance tends to fail in the bedroom.
When things go fine, workaholics tend to seem happier than normal people but when things fail to work, they are the frustrated 'lot' around, yelling at everyone for their mistakes.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Though there is no link between working too much and developing OCD, the risk of developing such disorders may increase a bit if you fail to curb your love towards work.
Life Needs A Fine Balance
There is a lot more to life than just clicking your mouse and hitting the keyboard. Even if you are doing what you love to do, spending all your time in your office will kill the overall happiness in your life.
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