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Lose Weight Without Dieting & Exercising In Just 1 Week

Lose Weight Without Dieting & Exercising In Just 1 Week

Burn Fat With Water

Drink lots of water during the day. As mentioned above, water helps to cut the calories in the body and helps in flushing out the toxins, thus keeping the immunity level up.


Eat Dinner Before Sunset

If you want to lose weight in a week, try this simple tip. Have a proper and balanced dinner before sunset. This exercise will help in a proper digestion and promote weight loss.


Chew Your Food

While eating slowly, you will experience that you do not require more food, which in turn will limit the intake and thus control your weight.


Add More Veggies

Vegetables are great sources of proteins, vitamins and energy. They also contain less amount of calories; therefore, they are very beneficial in keeping your tummy full.


Green Tea Is Your Saviour

If you want to lose weight without dieting in less than a week, opt for green tea. This herbal tea has powerful properties and antioxidants that help to burn the fat as soon as the food is consumed.


A Balanced Diet

No, we are not suggesting you to follow a strict diet. It is however necessary to have a balanced one that contains a small portion of carbs, nutrients, proteins and good fats too.


Add In Those Nuts

Nuts will provide your body with high amounts of energy. If you feel lethargic during the day, simply munch on a few almonds to feel active.


Opt For Protein Foods

To lose weight without dieting and exercising in less than one week, it is advisable to add more protein to your foods. Protein-based foods will naturally help to increase the metabolism, and thus aid in rapid weight loss.


Choose Green Veggies

Green vegetables are rich in nutrients. Kale, spinach and celery are considered to be fat-burning foods, so simply consume them when hungry as a healthy snack.

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