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Is Chewing Gum Bad For Health?

Is Chewing Gum Bad For Health?

Chewing Gum Damages Teeth

Chewing too much of gum can damage your teeth. The sugar content present in the chewing gum can lead to tooth decay. On the other hand, the acidic flavorings and preservatives in the chewing gum can cause dental erosions and even cavities.


Chewing Gum Is Linked To Headaches

Chewing too much of gum is bad for health, as the constant movement of the jaw applies pressure on the temples, thus causing a headache. It is also linked to migraines.


Chewing Gum Leads To Gastrointestinal Problems

Chewing gum causes one to swallow excess air, which contributes to abdominal pain and bloating, seen in case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Therefore, while chewing a gum, it is suggested not to open the mouth too much.


Chewing Gum Causes Jaw Disorders

Chewing gums are bad for your health, as they may cause jaw disorders such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which is a chronic problem. Prolonged hours of chewing on gum also causes an imbalance of the jaw muscles, which can lead to ear aches and headaches.


Chewing Gum Makes One Obese

Chewing gum is linked to obesity. People prefer chewing gum to ward off those hunger pangs. But, according to studies, chewing gum has properties that can make one more hungry, and therefore he/she may end up opting for unhealthy snacks like chips, coke, candy instead of fresh fruits and vegetables, which makes the tongue bitter after chewing on gum.


Chewing Gum Hinders The Metabolism

Chewing gum stimulates the saliva production for a very long time, which in turn removes the metabolic functions. This is one of the reasons why chewing on a gum is bad for your health.

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