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Iron-rich Foods To Combat Anaemia

Iron-rich Foods To Combat Anaemia

Spinach: Spinach is one of the super foods that can effectively fight and prevent anaemia. It is packed with calcium, iron and beta-carotene that help in maintaining a healthy immune system and treat anaemia. It also increases the blood count.

Iron-rich Foods To Combat Anaemia

Beetroot: Since beetroot is rich in iron, it helps to combat anaemia in a short period of time. It increases the efficiency of red blood cells. Along with that, it even repairs and reactivates the blood cells. It increases the supply of oxygen to all other body parts.

Iron-rich Foods To Combat Anaemia

Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain high amounts of vitamin C, which helps in keeping anaemia at bay. Tomatoes help in better absorption of iron and reduce the risk of anaemia. Drinking tomato juice every day can certainly increase the blood count.

Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a rich source of iron. Include peanut butter daily and you will see better results. You can even eat a handful of peanuts every day to fight anaemia.

RedMeat: Red meat such as beef and lamb contains iron that gets absorbed by the body. Beef liver has more than 60 percent of the daily requirement of iron. Thus, include 3 ounces of beef liver or chicken to increase your blood count.

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