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How Tofu Benefits Your Health

How Tofu Benefits Your Health

Fights Obesity: Since tofu is low in cholesterol and fat content, it makes a super food for weight loss and prevents obesity effectively. The peptins present in tofu help burn fats deposited in the body. Including tofu in the regular diet helps to shed extra pounds effectively.

Prevents Type-2 Diabetes: The low-calorie content of tofu makes it an excellent super food to use that prevents type-2 diabetes. Intake of 2 tofus a day reducesthe risk of diabetes and even regulates the insulin levels.

Prevents Cancer: The flavonoids and isoflavonoids present in tofu prevent the cancerous cell growth. Genistein present in it checks the growth of tumours, especially in prostate and breast cancers.

How Tofu Benefits Your Health

Improves Heart Health: Regular consumption of tofu reduces the risk of stroke and other cardiac diseases. It effectively reduces the harmful cholesterol in the blood and raises the level of LDL (good cholesterol).

How Tofu Benefits Your Health

Improves Immune System: The healthy food tofu is rich in vitamins, nutrients and minerals that help in improving the immune system to fight against diseases, thereby ensuring a healthier body.

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