Bad Food Combinations That Make You Sick
It is very important to have a check on the kinds of foods that you eat together. Sometimes, the foods that we eat in combination can have a drastic effect on our digestive system and health. We usually think that eating foods together can have no harm on our health and will benefit us. This is not true for all foods that we usually eat in combination.
You must have heard your grand mother asking you not to eat fruits just after your meals or drink milk with eggs. We usually ignorethem, assuming that these things have no scientific logic in them. However, we are wrong. Science has proved that we must avoid some of the food combinations, as they can harm our digestion and health.
Foods are natural blessings for us, as they feed and heal our body. Foods, if taken in a right combination, can be the best friends for our health. However, if taken in wrong combinations, they can prove to be harmful for your health. In this article, we have mentioned some of the foodcombinations that you must avoid.
Scroll down to know the list of food combinations that you must not eat together.
Meat And Cheese
They are both rich in proteins. If you consume them both simultaneously, the load of proteins in the body can increase, and thereby increase the protein load on the liver. Hence, it is not advisable to eat meat and cheese together at the same time.
Fatty Foods With Proteins
Avoid eating butter, oil with eggs, cheese, meat and also avoid eating fats with white bread. The digestion of fats require bile juice (bile salts),which is secreted from the liver and gallbladder. If you eat fatty foods with proteins and other wrong foods, this will block the secretion of bile juice, causing indigestion of fats.
Water With And After Meals
You must avoid drinking water or juice in between meals and just after your meals. This can hamper the digestion of foods and cause bloating and gases to be formed. Water also dilutes the stomach juices that digest the food substances. Drink water 10 minutes before the meals and half an hour after your meals.
Tea And Coffee After Meals
Avoid drinking tea or coffee after meals. Tea and coffee can prevent the proper absorption of your foods by disrupting the acidic medium of the stomach. This will delay the digestion process and also deteriorate many nutrients that are present in the foods.
Acidic Foods And Carbohydrates
Avoid eating acidic foods such as tomatoes, lemon, etc, with starchy foods that are usually alkaline. Acidic foods on combination with alkaline foods can cause problems in the digestive system. You must avoid eating tomatoes with carbs and proteins with starches. These foods will ferment for days in the stomach and form a sludge that is difficult to digest.
Fruits Just After Meals
It is very important to avoid eating fruits right after your meals. You must allow the proper digestion of your meals first and then eat fruits 2 hours after having your meals. Eating fruits after meals can cause the food substance to decompose in your stomach, leading to indigestion and gas troubles. Eat fruits at least one hour before your meals.
Source : http://www.boldsky.com/health/wellness/2015/bad-food-combinations-that-make-you-sick-094417.html
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